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A Reliable Path To Measurable, Improved Results

  1. We believe in a disciplined approach of benchmarking and shameless imitation.

  2. We believe in reliable systems, run by focused people, run consistently over time. LeadGen is 90% system creation and execution and 10% copy creation.

  3. We believe that only math can be trusted in determining success; measuring conversion, # of leads, cost per lead, etc.  Adjectives and adverbs are not allowed.

  4. We believe in finding a play that works and running it over and over and over again, like the Packers Sweep  Example: LeadGen path that is working well, sticking with it and honing, honing, honing in incremental ways and measuring improvements or failures

  5. We believe in building off of what is in place, wholesale changes almost never work out well.   Having said that, over time, complete systems can be revamped piece-by-piece.

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